this ubiquitous and confusing tag

The corner DIV must have a fixed width, but at least the body content wraps the corner DIV which 'looks cool'. A TABLE implementation would not require a fixed width, and would resize nicely if fonts or other content changed, but it would not exhibit the neat wrap around feature.
  STYLE="position: relative; margin-left: 4px; width: 144px; float: right;"><DL
  STYLE="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;"><DT><B>Related</B><UL>
  <LI><A HREF=iframe.php>IFRAME</A>
The corner DIV must have a fixed width, but at least the body content wraps
the corner DIV which 'looks cool'.  A TABLE implementation would not
require a fixed width, and would resize nicely if fonts or other content
changed, but it would not exhibit the neat wrap around