Linux Backups
Suggestions and Tips
Linux Backups
2016-03 updated, rickatech
Suggestions and tips for performing routine file and database backups.
Best practices for and retiring/winding down Linux servers.
Winding Down and Archiving
At some point a critical linux server has been running important services for many years,
but it is finally not practical to upgrade its OS and keep supporting it.
To archive the system, there should only be a few file related areas to
copy to archive storage, then the linux machine disk can be erased, recycled.
- identify network accessible external storage
- backup to folders
/custom (e.g. public, opt, ... whereever you may have created
a custom directory containing critical files)
- do check to see what files can’t be read by only root on external storage
du -h --max-depth 1
Routine Backups
Linux backups are necessary if a system has any critical
services or data. Services include databases, mail stores, source
code repositories. Data may just be simple static data of a public
file share, or some web site files. Unlike static data, services
require special commands be used to insure backup snapshot are consistent.
For example, the popular MySQL database service offer the
mysqldump command to produce database backup snapshots.
- For backups to be effective, they need to spread critical data
as widely as possible in an appropriately secure manner.
- place data in a different hard disk partition (good)
- place data on external media (better)
- place data on a system far away, network file transfer (best)
Note, placing backups on offline media is becoming less critical these
days with ubiquitous network access. It used to be moving data from
one system to another made investment in high capacity offline
media worth it. However hard disks are getting quite cheap these days.
Offline media is becoming more and more awkward to use as multiple
tapes/cartridges/disks are needed to properly archive the contents of large
disk arrays. Also removable media fills up and needs to be manually
replaced. Distributing data amongst disparate online servers which
have extra disk space in becoming more and more practical.
Also, tactical backups of only the critical data helps reduce
backup space needs. Finally having backups online, especially
multiple past copies, makes recovery action much faster - no need
to find the proper media cartridge and mount it.
Ok, so the following scripts are pretty raw. But they show
how to backup a database (i.e. a service), and a file store
(i.e. static file). In this case the popular MediaWiki web application.
MediaWiki stores most of its content in a database, but the MediaWiki
application files are a static set of files that should also be
backed up. Also for good measure backing up the core MySQL
meta-database is good idea in case you forget you database names
and user logins.
The approach shown here is using an external USB drive
mounted at /archive. The scripts below use rsync against a
local disk partition which should pretty much just work.
Better would be to have /archive on a remote system which rsyncs static data
down from the original server. Services are best backed up locally using
the appropriate service command (e.g. mysqldump) on the source server in
concert with snapshot transfer to a remote host.
Adding remote hosts rsync capability involves added script complexity.
See rysnc related link above for more details on remote rsync setup.
One last bit of advice,
always place backup scripts if possible on the external/remote
backup drive if possible. In some strange situations, a remote
partition mount may drop and if the script is on the remote drive it
won't run - which is preferable . That converse case would be
the script is local and runs even though the remote drive is
offline line - under lInux this might fill up the root or other
importat partitiotn suddenly which is very bad! So if remote
store is offline, the backup fails, but you should have a recent
backup anyway and if your machine is offline you have bigger problems
to worry about than backups.
Also these scripts stagger backups so there are 7 days of
snapshots and then a trail of weekly snapshots that accumulate over time.
The weekly backup files will have to be culled manually or the backup
drive will fill up. But hey, checking disk space once/month is not
too often to be annoying and is something you should do for other
reasons than backup.
# crontab -l
05 01 * * * sh /archive/ mysql;
sh /archive/ wikidb;
ls -lh /archive/sith | mail -s "sith db backups"
50 01 * * * sh /archive/ mediawiki-1.5.0;
ls -lh /archive/sith | mail -s "sith file backups"
### 2006-09-30 Frederick Shaul
### MySQL database backup rotation.
### Performs backup and leaves staggered backups files
### - last 7 day
### - week ago backup from 2 Saturdays past
### Future?
### - month ago backup from 2 months (first Saturday) past
### - year ago backup from 2 years (first Saturday of first month) past
if [ $1 ]
NAME="sith-$DB" # include host name
BACKUP=/archive/sith # target directory
WDAY=`date +%w`
# foobar20060929_daily3.sql, rotate 7 daily and weekly backup names
LAST=`date +%Y%m%d`_$DAILY
if [ $WDAY -eq 6 ]
# rename last Saturday's backup so it will kept longer than a week
for file in $BACKUP/$NAME*_$DAILY*.$SUFFIX
mv ${file} ${file%$DAILY.$SUFFIX}weekly.$SUFFIX
if [ $EXIT_CODE -eq 0 ]
/usr/bin/mysqldump $DB -u root --opt > $BNAME
echo "Usage: $0 [database] ..."
echo " "
### 2006-10-10 Frederick Shaul
### file backup rotation.
### Performs backup and leaves staggered backups files
### - last 7 day
### - week ago backup from 2 Saturdays past
### Future?
### - month ago backup from 2 months (first Saturday) past
### - year ago backup from 2 years (first Saturday of first month) past
if [ $1 ]
BACKUP=/archive/sith # target directory
WDAY=`date +%w`
# foobar20060929_daily3.tar.gz, rotate 7 daily and weekly backup names
LAST=`date +%Y%m%d`_$DAILY
if [ $WDAY -eq 6 ]
# rename last Saturday's backup so it will kept longer than a week
for file in $BACKUP/$NAME*_$DAILY*.$SUFFIX
mv ${file} ${file%$DAILY.$SUFFIX}weekly.$SUFFIX
if [ $EXIT_CODE -eq 0 ]
if [ "$1" = "mediawiki-1.5.0" ]
echo "sith wiki ..."
rsync -a -v -x --delete /wiki/mediawiki-1.5.0 /archive/sith
tar cvzf $BNAME /wiki/mediawiki-1.5.0
echo "Usage: $0 [file-group] ..."
echo " "
echo " mediawiki-1.5.0 | ..."
echo "Usage: $0 [file-group] ..."
echo " "
echo " mediawiki-1.5.0 | ..."